Why use social networks in my business?

The use of social networks is no longer an option, but a necessity in the business world. If we want the public to know about our services and buy them, we have to “go out” to look for them. Where? On social networks.

Social networks facilitate direct and immediate communication with the public. They help us get closer to our followers and thus, we can offer information about our brand.

It improves our image and gives us visibility. It allows us to show what we are and how we work.

Boost feedback. This is one of the most important functions because it makes it possible for the company and the client to have a very accessible and strong contact.

Promote our brand. It allows advertising actions almost at zero cost.

At this point we only have to think and choose what type of social network is appropriate for our business. Should it be in all of them? in the most popular? To solve these questions:

1. What is our target audience and what is the audience of a certain social network?

Each of the social networks has a consumer audience. Our job is to think about who we are targeting and what channel that target uses to communicate.

2. What resources do I have?

Social networks need special care. Think that it is one of the channels through which you reach the public, it is your image. Your planning and appropriateness of the message messages are very important.

3. What service or product do I offer?

We must think about what my product is like to know on which network I want to show it. There are some social networks that allow to dump a strong visual load, such as Instagram or Pinterest. But there are also others that have a more textual nature, such as a blog, for example.

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