When to redesign your brand and why

The visual identity of a company is crucial to its success. It is what helps the company be recognized and differentiate itself from the competition. But, how do you know when it is the right time for a visual identity redesign and what are the benefits?

When to redesign your brand?

First, you need to consider the time that has passed since the last visual identity update. If it has been a long time, the company may be missing an opportunity to refresh its image and stay up to date with current trends.

There have been changes in the company or brand.

Additionally, if the company has changed significantly in terms of the products or services offered, target audience, or brand values, then a redesign is necessary to reflect those changes and ensure that the visual identity remains relevant and effective.

Stagnation or success

Another sign that a visual identity redesign is necessary is if the company is experiencing a stagnation in its growth or a decrease in sales. A renewed and updated visual identity can help revitalize the brand and attract new customers.

Benefits of visual identity

Now, what are the benefits of a visual identity redesign? First, it can improve the perception of the brand and the image that consumers have of the company. An updated and attractive design can make the brand look more modern, professional, and trustworthy.

Additionally, a visual identity redesign can help increase the visibility of the brand and attract new customers. An updated visual identity can stand out among the competition and catch the attention of consumers.

Another benefit is that a visual identity redesign can help the company reflect its values and brand identity more effectively. A well-executed design can clearly and consistently convey the company’s values and personality.

Finally, a visual identity redesign can also improve the cohesion and consistency of the brand across all channels and platforms. By having a unified and consistent visual identity, the customer experience and perception of the brand can be improved overall.

In conclusion, a visual identity redesign can be beneficial for a company in terms of improving the perception of the brand, increasing visibility, reflecting brand values and personality, and improving cohesion and consistency across all channels. It is important to consider the time that has passed since the last update and significant changes in the company before making the decision to redesign.

At Intervitrine, we are experts in creating branding and graphic design for brands. We can help you design or redesign your brand based on its needs and goals. We want to be your digital marketing team!

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