What is Instagram shop and how does it work?

Instagram has become the goose that lays the golden eggs for e-commerce and online marketing. Being today a business that contributes billions of euros. And it is that this application has enormous potential to attract customers. You want to know why? We tell you everything.

The 5 +1 keys to the success of Instagram Shopping

1. Advertising campaign

Having visibility in the profiles is the fundamental part and the first thing we must work on. To do this, it is best to make an investment in advertising on the social network itself, that is, on Instagram.

This point bothers many people who do not understand the need to pay for an advertising campaign when Instagram is a free social network. Well, we must open our minds in this aspect and see it as an opportunity to obtain more information about your potential customers and thus be able to show your products to those who may fit them the most, therefore allowing you to know the target audience. Well, even if you have the best product in the world, if you don’t offer it to the right people, the sale will never be made.

2. The magic of the “Buy Now” button

This is surely the most interesting feature for online sellers. It is a sale link that you can place just below your publication, which allows your users to buy your products from your own page in a very easy way.

Most users who use Instagram do so on a daily basis, so imagine how positive it can be for your business if your customers, in addition to looking, can directly buy something they liked.

3. instagram stories

Most customers do not buy something as soon as they see it, but before deciding to visit the product several times and compare it.

For this, having a presence on social networks is essential, and what better way to do it than through Instagram stories? Well, it is the perfect social network to offer a vision of your brand image and publicize your products and your business, in addition to strengthening your relationship with fans.

In Instagram stories you can take the opportunity to show the most human part of your brand, since it is proven that this brings you much closer to your followers. That’s why stories don’t have to be perfect, in fact, the imperfect works much better with younger audiences.

4. Links in the story

In Instagram stories you also have the option to include links. Through these links, users will directly access the correct product page without first going through the main page of your website, as was the case before. This increases the chances of sale by a large percentage.

5. Use influencers

Influencer marketing is a success and this is because it allows you to obtain a spectacular return on investment. Well, thanks to it, it is possible to quickly reach thousands of people who follow that influencer in question, and who can become paying fans for your company.

To do this, you must find an influencer that fits with your brand and that provides a good ROI, to promote your brand.

6. Take care of the quality of your publications

Generally, the success of brands is directly related to branding. That is, its true power is in its image and in the ideas associated with it.

Take your time to choose the right photo and hashtag, because this is more important than it may seem. That’s why show your products in action, show how they are used or how they feel to your customers.

Do not dedicate yourself only to promoting products, propose to your public a lifestyle that goes with your business and that attracts their attention. Take advantage and humanize your brand with photographs of the manufacturing process of the products, the making off, etc.

How does Instagram Shopping work?

Instagram Shopping is undoubtedly the most powerful tool today, because with just two clicks it is capable of taking the user from the Instagram profile they are visiting to the product page on the sales website.

To do this, companies can tag a maximum of five products in each publication and add information about it. These posts will be easily identifiable because they will be marked with a shopping bag icon.

 When users click, they access another page where the information is expanded and where there will also be a link to the company’s website.

As we can see, it is an immediate and easy way to buy the product that you liked. Instagram offers the maximum facilities to draw the user’s attention and thus be able to carry out the transaction more directly. Instagram shop has indisputably become a fundamental tool for businesses that have e-commerce.

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