Tips to reduce bounce rate

Surely you have ever entered a website looking for information or products and have left a few seconds later because you did not find what you expected, that is what increases the bounce rate, and if you have an e-commerce or web page you it should be reduced.

What is the bounce rate?

Before telling you the tips to reduce your bounce rate, let us explain what it is. The bounce rate is the percentage of users who enter your website and leave after a few seconds without having interacted with it.

If your bounce rate is low and you also have a high retention rate, congratulations! the content of your website equals or exceeds the expectations of users.

But what if your bounce rate is high? Read on to find out how to reduce your bounce rate!

How do I calculate my bounce rate?

There are several tools to calculate your bounce rate like Woopra or Clicky. You can also calculate it with Google Analytics.

You have to keep in mind that a bounce rate can sometimes be good or bad, it depends on the time spent. If a user lands on your website and stays on the same page, for example, 8 minutes and goes back to the search engine, it will count for the bounce rate, but instead the permanence rate is good. If, on the other hand, they enter our website and leave a low permanence time, it means that your content is not relevant to users or it is not what they expected. And this is where the trap comes in, since Google Analytics can only calculate the dwell time when you navigate from one page of the web to another of the same, that is, if a user enters your web page and stays for 8 minutes before going back to the search engine, Analytics will count it as a 100% bounce rate and zero dwell time.

What we must do in this case is configure the Google Analytics code marking the time below which a user’s session is considered to have bounced (for example 40 seconds).

setTimeout(‘_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘NoBounce’, ‘Over 40 seconds’])’,30000);

In this way you will identify in a more efficient way which pages of your website are not working.

And now, how do I reduce my bounce rate?

Improve loading speed

One of the factors that most influences a high bounce rate is this. If your website has a slow loading speed, surely users will not waste time on your website and go back to look for a better option (and you will have thousands). Impatient users and they are not going to give you any opportunity, you have to have the web ready for when the user lands on it.

Easy and clear website

Using too many graphic elements and information can confuse and mislead the user, causing them not to focus on what is important and going unnoticed. Design your web page in a clear and simple way, using clean spaces of elements to guide the user towards the main thing.

Add internal links

Internal links are the links that lead from one web page to another page of the same. Apart from improving SEO, you will be able to keep the user browsing your website for longer.

Optimize your keywords

Another reason why your bounce rate is high may be because it’s not reaching the right audience. For this reason it is advisable to do a study of the keywords to know if your positioning is adequate for your website.

Add a chat / search bar

You can add these elements to help users navigate your website, if they do not find what they are looking for or have questions, they can use these options.

Hire a professional

If you do not have knowledge of the web, SEO or analytics, we recommend hiring a professional. Contact us to help you reduce your bounce rate

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