The most common seo mistakes

SEO is one of the most used digital marketing techniques, however, if you are not an expert in the field, you may be making some SEO mistakes that harm your website.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the pillars of Digital Marketing. Working on the SEO of your website will be essential if you want your business to be successful on the internet. There is no use having a website if no one visits it. SEO does not give immediate results but you have to work on it day by day.

Perhaps due to inexperience, mistakes are made or important things are ignored that must be taken into account since they may be harming your SEO. We tell you below.

Excess tags

The tags will help you position your page, as long as it is done correctly, since if we do not exceed the tags, Google may not find a relationship between them and the content when it crawls our page. You know, excesses are not good and the more precise you are with the tags, the better for your blog.

Unspecified preferred domain

The preferred domain (or canonical domain) is the domain that you want Google to display in search results. For this, you must verify the two versions of the domain, with and without «www» because if you do not, Google will not treat these two URLs as if they were the same site and will index them as independent, thus detecting duplicate content.

Underestimate social networks

There are many who ignore what social networks can do for their business. Social networks are a good dissemination channel, a loudspeaker from which you can communicate what is happening on your website, bring people from social networks to your page and have users share it.

Forget internal links

We know that creating links on other websites that point to ours is very valuable for SEO. That is why many of the strategies are focused on creating backlinks, and we agree that it is one of the best things you can do, but not the only one.

Internal links lead our users to our own website, thus making them move around it and stay longer. If we do it logically and correctly, we will improve the user experience, increasing the time the user spends on our website and therefore the SEO score.

Not having a meta description

No, Google does not use meta descriptions to score SEO, but then let us explain why you should take them into account. The meta description is that text that appears below the title of the page when we do a search on Google. If we do not customize this space, Google will automatically take the first 156 characters of the page. This snippet is probably not the best invitation you can make to users to click on your page, so if you don’t take care of it, you may be losing organic visits because of this.

These are some of the SEO mistakes that you may be making on your website. As we said at the beginning of this post, SEO is a long-term job. If all this web positioning is complicated for you, you can take a look at our SEO services and contact us without any commitment.

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