The best apps for instagram stories

It seems that on Instagram the posts on the wall have gone into the background and have been overshadowed by Instagram Stories, this function has a much higher rate of use, but it also receives more impacts than the feed posts, why else? people would announce by Stories when they upload a new photo? Instagram stories are a fundamental way to communicate with your followers, take advantage of it and get their attention with these apps for Instagram Stories.


This app offers you templates for stories with various designs and different fonts. Your Instagram Stories will look much more polished and elegant. It gives you the option to make several stories in a row and upload them directly from Unfold to your Instagram. It is free although you can buy more designs within the app.

apps para instagram stories unfold


Do you want some worthy stories in layout? Canva can help you. You can use it both for Stories and for the Instagram wall or other social networks. You will be able to share information with a curated but simple design to carry out. It gives you the possibility of adding elements, colors, fonts… you can also search for templates according to themes.



For our taste, one of the best to attract the attention of users and not leave them indifferent with our messages. Legend gives you the possibility to add effects and give movement to the text of your stories.


apps para instagram stories Legend


Instagram gives you 15 seconds and surely more than once it has left you speechless. To avoid this and to be able to transmit the information in videos in a clear and orderly way, we can use Cutstory, which will cut your video into small clips to upload it to your Stories without losing anything.

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