The Secrets Of The New Instagram Algorithm 2018

The new Instagram algorithm is raising a lot of controversy, all users are asking the same question, why are we not so popular anymore? Before, it was enough to look at what was the most appropriate time to upload your posts and voilà! The likes rained down, it was a pleasure. But unfortunately, now things have changed and become more complicated due to the latest changes that the social network has made.

Let’s start at the beginning to understand the keys to this new algorithm. When you publish a post, it will only be shown to a very small percentage of your followers (according to some sources, only 10% of your audience will see it). This percentage will increase according to the success that your publication is having, Instagram measures this success according to some parameters that make up the algorithm, which penalize or add points to your post to be shown to more people. Next, we will tell you the secrets of the new instagram algorithm, what it penalizes and what it values, so that you can successfully beat it.

  • The origin of the likes does matter. Quality likes are valued, to deal with the instagram groups to get more likes, now these practices will be penalized by the social network.
  • Being up to date and publishing new content will be positively scored on Instagram, in order to create engagement with users. Stories are your ally, use them to inform your users when you upload a new photo.
  • The content is another point to take into account, the typical inconsequential comments such as “How beautiful!” or simple emoticons will no longer have value for instagram. On the other hand, he will value the phrases and the interaction. Use captions that invite interaction, ask questions, tell a story, in short, create valuable content.
  • #use #of #hastags #without #ton #or #son. There are many users who published photo captions with a thousand hashtags to gain more reach, now Instagram will penalize the indiscriminate use of these labels, for which it will be necessary to reduce the hagstags much more and choose the ones that best accompany the publication. Try not to put very generic hashtags because, due to the amount of interaction they have, your photo will quickly go unnoticed and dragged down by the number of new publications that the hashtag receives.
  • Deleting the caption or modifying it during the first 24 hours can take its toll. Make sure that the hashtags, location and text are as you want before posting the photo, otherwise instagram will hide it from your users.

nuevo algoritmo de instagram

new instagram algorithm

Finally, we want to remind you of the importance of creating a community around your brand, and this takes time. Once you have a community formed, you must get involved in knowing your audience, for this, the most important thing is to listen to what they have to say and know their needs, give feedback and interact with them, this is essential when creating a link in your community. Last but not least, we must offer our audience quality content, you know, content is king.

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