Creativity: keys to innovate at work

Creativity is an extraordinary quality, it speeds up our minds and increases productivity. It is a springboard to business success, the key to survival. Especially since businesses that do not innovate disappear or cease to be leaders.

The first step to developing creativity is to feel good; have a good diet, exercise, rest and neutralize stress. Then, you just have to keep in mind that creativity is a “muscle”: exercise it!



  1. Activate. Dare to leave your comfort zone, innovate, experiment. Your attitude is key. Be proactive, think differently and ask yourself how you can do things differently.
  2. Work environment. The design of your office and its work dynamics influence you. Take care of the environment so that it is as stimulating as possible, both in its physical aspect and in the modus operandi.
  3. Team. Multiply your ideas with the team, it is very positive to hear proposals. Exercises such as “brainstorming” will make each member contribute a point of view different from yours.
  4. Disconnect and take care of your mind. Learn to neutralize stress and make the brain work: create connections. Memory games or learning to play a musical instrument can help you. Reading is also a good ally. Remember that a clear mind works better.
  5. Take your time. We are not machines, we need to meditate on things. Not everything has to be fast. But above all, be patient and do not get frustrated with a blank sheet of paper.
  6. Get update. Do not stagnate, be dynamic and do not stop learning. The exterior is full of clues that can give you new and good ideas.

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